Meridian MassageIn traditional Chinese medicine, a meridian is a channel through which qi ( life energy) and other fundamental substances flow. They are known by many different names, such as acupuncture meridians, acupoints, and energy vessels. There are several meridians on each side of the body. If the horse has an injury, dysfunction or disease, the flow in the meridian is out of balance and this impacts the functionality of the body system. Similar to a river, that has been blocked up by big rocks, and cannot flow smoothly anymore.
Meridian massage is well known for humans as well, often called "acupoint massage". Meridian massage works by restoring the flow within the meridians, following the line of the meridian with a little metal stick as a stimulation. This will bring it back to a balanced state. This form of equine massage therapy will have a positive effect on the entire body system. It activates the immune system (promoting self-healing), blood flow, lymphatic flow, organ function, and re-balancing the emotional state of your horse. They will relax into this type of treatment very well. |