Spine MobilisationThe spine is the centre of the body, everything connects to the spine.
When something within the body system is out of balance ( due to tension, trauma, injury, stress, anxiety, health issue...), it can have an effect on the whole system. This is causing unwanted restrictions within muscles, joints, soft tissue, organs, blood flow, immune system etc which leads to discomfort, and performance issues within your horse. When the horse is moving, the spine normally moves smoothly in a wave (up and down and side to side). Through tension and pain this "wave movement" is interrupted and restricted. With a gentle, mindful rocking movement, BB Horse Care enables the horse to relax and let go of the tension in the muscles and tissue around the spine. This activates the whole system to relax and unwind, as all muscles and tissue is interconnected within the body. Loosing up one area has a positive ripple effect on other areas. Horses love this gentle way of passive movement and deeply relax. |